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Avoid Rental Scams
in 5 Days–Guaranteed,
or We Work For Free!

We personally inspect properties, verify ownership, and deliver reports so you never fall victim to rental scams. If we fail, you don’t pay!

  • A blue thick mark
    For Students, Expats and Professionals
  • A blue thick mark
    Full Physical Rental Inspection
  • A blue thick mark
    Complete Landlord Check
  • A blue thick mark
    Peace of Mind, Stress Free Renting
  • A blue thick mark
    Not Satisfied - No Payment
Inspect Room Now!
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What We Do For Your Protection.

  • Housing inspection step 1 personalized consultation

    1. Personalized

    Tell us your concerns, and we’ll tailor the inspection to focus on what matters most to you.

  • Inspection step 2 comprehensive inspection

    2. Comprehensive

    Our experts conduct a detailed on-site inspection, covering everything from the room's condition to neighborhood safety.

  • Inspection step 3 detailed reporting

    3. Detailed

    Receive a full report with photos, insights, and recommendations to help you make an informed decision.

1. Personalized Consultation

Book a free 15-minute online meeting with one of our local inspectors in your city. Use this opportunity to ask any questions you have - whether it’s about dealing with difficult landlords or learning more about the services we provide.

  • A blue thick mark
    Commitment Free Chat with Inspector
  • A blue thick mark
    Get All Your Questions Answered
  • A blue thick mark
    Our Service Explained in Detail
  • A blue thick mark
    Handling Conversations with Landlords
Free 15-Min Consultation!

2. Comprehensive Inspection

One of our inspectors will visit the address of the room you’ve been offered. During the visit, the inspector will speak with the landlord, assess the condition of the room, and document everything with photos and notes. They’ll even gather insights from the neighbors to provide you with a comprehensive evaluation.

  • A blue thick mark
    Physical Property Condition Inspection
  • A blue thick mark
    Photos and Notes of Everything
  • A blue thick mark
    Complete Landlord Check
  • A blue thick mark
    The Neighbours Opinion
Inspect Room Now!

3. Detailed Reporting

After our visit, we’ll compile all photos and notes into a detailed, comprehensive report. In addition to the room inspection, we’ll also verify the legal ownership of the property and evaluate the neighborhood - all in one seamless process.
P.S. Don’t risk your peace of mind. Let our experts inspect your potential property ensure you’re getting exactly what’s promised.

  • A blue thick mark
    Verification of Room's Condition
  • A blue thick mark
    No Surprises Upon Arriving, Just Security
  • A blue thick mark
    Insights For A Well Informed Decision
  • A blue thick mark
    Answers to All Your Questions
Inspect Room Now!

Trusted by Expats andStudents.

Our experts have helped 1.000+ expats and students which saved €1.200.000+ in potential losses.


Trusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing Inspection

"Housetective's thorough inspection and in-depth neighborhood report gave me the confidence to sign my lease without any worries from abroad."

testimonial alejandro

- Alejandro


Trusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing Inspection

"Saved me from a potential scam. Their detailed inspection report and photos gave me peace of mind before I arrived. Would recommend to students."

testimonial lola

- Lola


Trusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing Inspection

"They saved me from a scammer. Their report and insights helped me make an informed decision without viewing the room myself. Highly recommended."

testimonial tom

- Tom


Trusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing Inspection

"As a student, I was nervous about renting from abroad, but housetective made the process simple and stress-free. Their room analysis helped me a lot."

testimonial marco

- Marco


Trusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing Inspection

"Thanks to their service, I didn't fall into the Airbnb scam. Their owner check showed me that the supposed landlord was not the legal owner of the room."

testimonial louise

- Louise


Trusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing InspectionTrusted by Expats and Students Housing Inspection

“Their room inspection showed the state of the room was like the advertisement. They helped me with my first rental in the Netherlands. Great experience.”

testimonial mody

- Mody

Avoid Rental Scams in 5 Days.

Or We Work For Free!

All Inclusive

Always no-cure-no-pay


  • A blue thick mark
    For Students, Expats and Professionals
  • A blue thick mark
    Full Physical Rental Inspection
  • A blue thick mark
    Complete Landlord Check
  • A blue thick mark
    Personal Neighborhood Analysis
  • A blue thick mark
    Peace of Mind, Stress Free Renting
  • A blue thick mark
    Not Satisfied - No Payment

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Frequently Asked Questions.

How do I know if the rental property owner is legitimate?

We conduct a thorough owner verification, checking property registration, ownership, and legal status to ensure the landlord is legitimate, providing peace of mind before you commit.

What does the full inspection report include?

The report covers everything from the room condition, safety features, and legal checks, to neighborhood insights, photos, and expert recommendations, ensuring you're fully informed.

How long does it take to complete the inspection process?

Our inspection process is typically completed within one week, with a detailed report delivered promptly to help you make timely decisions.

Can I customize the inspection services based on my needs?

Yes, we offer flexible inspection packages tailored to your requirements, allowing you to focus on specific aspects like room conditions or neighborhood safety.

Talk To One of Our Inspectors.

Book A Free 15-Min Consultation.